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Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulamatous disease that can affect almost every organ in the body in people of all racial and ethnic groups. We report a case of 9 year old girl who presented to us with complaints of pain, redness, and decrease in vision in both eyes for past 2 months, along with history of fever and painful knee swelling for past 1 month. History of recurrent fever, skin rash, and difficulty in walking since 5 years of age was present. On examination, the patient was febrile with right knee joint           tender swelling, and on ocular examination she had a visual acuity of 624 in both eyes with bilateral circumciliary   congestion, band shaped keratopathy, granulamatous keratic precipitates, anterior chamber cells-1 and fundus examination showed retinal granulomas. On investigations, ESR, C reative proteins, angiotensin converting enzymes are elevated, CT Thorax showed bilateral reticulo nodular opacities. With these clinical features and investigation reports, we arrived at the diagnosis of pediatric ocular sarcoidosis. The patient was treated with topical steroids and cycloplegics and   immunosupperants was started under rheumatologist           guidance. Thus ocular findings helped in the diagnosis of the disorder and to start a prompt treatment for the patient.


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