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PENILE DUPLICATION-A SUPER RARITY   ABSTRACT- Diphallia or penile duplication is a rare condition in which a male infant is born with 2 penises and is seen in 1 out of 5,000,000 male live births. It is almost always    associated with other congenital malformations, colonic duplication and vertebral anomalies. A 23 year old male  reported to our department with penile duplication. Patient had prior History of Anorectal anomalies and colonic   duplication for which correction was done by pediatric surgery department at neonatal period and then serially followed up. On examination, patient had 2 penile shafts, one measuring 7 cm, through which patient voids urine and other shaft measuring 8 cm with soft cystic swelling on ventral  aspect with both shafts covered commonly by skin. Scrotum is normal with 2 palpable testis. Urethrocystoscope and  Contrast study revealed the penis with cystic swelling had megalourethra with narrowing at the penoscrotal junction and external meatus. The other penis had normal urethra.As the penis with cystic like swelling(megalourethra) had  abnormality, we planned for removal of right sided abnormal penis.During surgery, first mobilisation of skin flaps,multiple Z plasties similar to correction of syndactyly was done.Then, mobilisation of corporal bodies from from Right pubic arch,followed by division of Right penis after ligature of   vascular pedicle was done.Skin cover completed. Post   Operatively, patient voids well and has normal erectile  pattern.


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