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Clinical study and management of peritonitis secondary to hollow viscus perforation

Vivek Nagappa, T Sivakumar, Jim Jebakuma .



To study the frequency of peritonitis secondary to

Hollow viscus perforation in relation to




Anatomical location.

Reliability of investigations like erect ‘X - Ray’- Abdomen.

To study the Surgical Management of Peritonitis

secondary to Hollow viscus perforation in Stanley Medical

College and Hospital.

To study complication of operative management.

Materials and Methods : The study was carried out from

January 2017 to December 2017. A thorough history and

clinical examination of the patients were carried out. Then,

various investigations such as Complete Blood Count

(CBC), X-Rays, ultrasound of the abdomen if needed were

done, in order to arrive at the diagnosis. Once diagnosed

patients were either treated accordingly.

Type of study: A prospective descriptive study.

Results : In this study, 50% patients were in the age group

of 21-40 years. Male to female ratio was found to be 5:1.

The most common symptom was abdominal pain which

was present in all the patients. 73.33% of cases had air

under the diaphragm. Among the 30 cases of gastrointestinal

perforation, perforation of duodenal ulcer 10 cases

(33.3%) was the commonest. The most common complication

recorded was wound infection 6 cases (20%) and

death in 1 case.


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