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A rare case report of Interstitial pregnancy with Dermoid Cyst

Ramipriya R, Sumathi C, Manickadevi M S .


Interstitial pregnancy constitutes 2 to 3% of total

ectopic pregnancy. These pregnancies implant with in

proximal tubal segment that lies within the muscular uterine

wall. Interstitial pregnancies can be carried up to 16 weeks

of gestation. This longer period of pregnancy is due to

greater distension of myometrium covering the interstitial

fallopian tube segment. 40 year old G4P2L2A1,

Previous2LSCS, last menstrual period on 28.07.2017 was

admitted with complaints of spotting per vaginum for 5

days. She was diagnosed as a case of interstitial pregnancy

and underwent right partial salpingectomy and left

salphingo oophorectomy. Hence high index of suspicion is

needed to diagnose interstitial pregnancy so that disastrous

effect can be avoided.


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Williams obstetrics - 24th edition

Telindes operative gynecology-11th edition page no 789 & 790

Shaw text book of gynecology-16th edition, page no 306


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