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Hernia Uterine Inguinalis – A Rare Case Presentation

Esakki S .


Inguinal hernia is a condition which has a  common presentation in the general surgical out patient  department. Indirect inguinal hernia is the most common    type of inguinal hernia. The contents of an indirect inguinal hernia can be omentum, bowel or rarely other structures. In this rare case of hernia uterine inguinalis, the content of the direct hernial sac was found to be an uterus along with two fallopian tubes along with one ovary and one fallopian tube attached to an atrophied testis. The contents were clamped, transfixed and ligated and excised en bloc. The defect was rectified and completion of the surgical procedure was done with a hernioplasty on the side of the inguinal hernia.    The patient was discharged without any post operative complications.

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