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Suresh .


Abstract : Biliary tract stones may be present in the
Gallbladder, Extrahepatic duct or Intrahepatic duct
(hepatolithiasis). The ordinary cholelithiasis can be treated
successfully by open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy and
choledochotomy or in combination with endoscopic clearance
of stone. In the major surgical centers, the operative mortality
is 1 percent, thus operative and endoscopic intervention has
become quite safe. However, when stones are present in the
intrahepatic bile duct, the situation is totally different. Instead
of a smooth postoperative course without recurrence, multiple
operative and endoscopic interventions are usual than
exceptional. If such interventions are not quite successful, the
patients might succumb to hepatic damage caused by long
standing obstructive jaundice, recurrence cholangitis and
multiple liver abcess, portal hypertension sepsis and some
may develop cholangio carcinoma.
Keyword :Hepatolithiasis. Intrahepatic calculus,

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